febrero 12, 2007


Me llegó un spam que en el subject decía Office 2007 ready to download.
Estaba muy al pedo y lo abrí al grito de "a ver? a ver qué excusa tenés ahora?" y me encontré con un texto tan frutero que no puedo creerlo.
La última vez que leí un spam, me querían vender algo.
Calate este texto fumón:

I seek, above all, in the wandering
Would their world not remain comfortably
Out of the picture of life, as it were, out
The earth beneath his feet, in its dark cape,
I know,
Over the chilly dale.
then takes a step back, to be safe as she reaches.
Dismal, endless plain—
She stretches a hand toward the toothy sleeper
To mark that square, perhaps: were Mère and Père
IV. The Paths to Cathay
XVII. Greenland
Figures of light and dark, these two are walking
and the Splendid Splinter. For a few dreamy dollars,
Gray the cloud-like oaks
To follow in the path of their brief blossoming
At these masses the snow hides from me.
The high whites spread over the buried earth.
A salamander scuttles across the quiet

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